A remark on the quasilocal calculation of tidal heating: energy transfer through the quasilocal surface [CL]


In this note, using the quasilocal formalism of Brown and York, the flow of energy through a closed surface containing a gravitating physical system is calculated in a way that augments earlier results on the subject by Booth and Creighton. To this end, by performing a variation of the total gravitational Hamiltonian (bulk plus boundary part), it is shown that associated tidal heating and deformation effects generally are larger than expected. This is because this variation leads to previously unrecognized correction terms, including a bulk-to-boundary inflow term that does not appear in the original calculation of the time derivative of the Brown-York energy and leads to corrective extensions of Einstein’s quadrupole formula in the large sphere limit.

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A. Huber
Tue, 4 May 21

Comments: 14 pages, no figures