Bayesian cosmological inference through implicit cross-correlation statistics [CEA]

Analyzes of next-generation galaxy data require accurate treatment of systematic effects such as the bias between observed galaxies and the underlying matter density field. However, proposed models of the phenomenon are either numerically expensive or too inaccurate to achieve unbiased inferences of cosmological parameters even at mildly-nonlinear scales of the data. As an alternative to constructing accurate galaxy bias models, requiring understanding galaxy formation, we propose to construct likelihood distributions for Bayesian forward modeling approaches that are insensitive to linear, scale-dependent bias and provide robustness against model misspecification. We use maximum entropy arguments to construct likelihood distributions designed to account only for correlations between data and inferred quantities. By design these correlations are insensitive to linear galaxy biasing relations, providing the desired robustness. The method is implemented and tested within a Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach. The method is assessed using a halo mock catalog based on standard full, cosmological, N-body simulations. We obtain unbiased and tight constraints on cosmological parameters exploiting only linear cross-correlation rates for $k\le 0.10$ Mpc/h. Tests for halos of masses ~10$^{12}$ M$\odot$ to ~10$^{13}$ M$\odot$ indicate that it is possible to ignore all details of the linear, scale dependent, bias function while obtaining robust constraints on cosmology. Our results provide a promising path forward to analyzes of galaxy surveys without the requirement of having to accurately model the details of galaxy biasing but by designing robust likelihoods for the inference.

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G. Lavaux and J. Jasche
Wed, 28 Apr 21

Comments: 11 pages, 9 figures, comments welcome