Axion-Photon Conversion in Neutron Star Magnetospheres: The Role of the Plasma in the Goldreich-Julian Model [CL]

The most promising indirect search for the existence of axion dark matter uses radio telescopes to look for narrow spectral lines generated from the resonant conversion of axions in the magnetospheres of neutron stars. Unfortunately, a large list of theoretical uncertainties has prevented this search strategy from being fully accepted as robust. In this work we attempt to address major outstanding questions related to the role and impact of the plasma, including: $(i)$ does refraction and reflection of radio photons in the magnetosphere induce strong inhomogeneities in the flux, $(ii)$ can refraction induce premature axion-photon de-phasing, $(iii)$ to what extent do photon-plasma interactions induce a broadening of the spectral line, $(iv)$ does the flux have a strong time dependence, and $(v)$ can radio photons sourced by axions be absorbed by the plasma. We present an end-to-end analysis pipeline based on ray-tracing that exploits a state-of-the-art auto-differentiation algorithm to propagate photons from the conversion surface to asymptotically large distances. Adopting a charge symmetric Goldreich-Julian model for the magnetosphere, we show that for reasonable parameters one should expect a strong anisotropy of the signal, refraction induced axion-photon de-phasing, significant line-broadening, a variable time-dependence of the flux, and, for large enough magnetic fields, anisotropic absorption. Our simulation code is flexible enough to serve as the basis for follow-up studies with a large range of magnetosphere models.

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S. Witte, D. Noordhuis, T. Edwards, et. al.
Mon, 19 Apr 2021

Comments: 9 pages + Appendix