A Dark Energy model from Generalized Proca Theory [CL]


We consider a specific dark energy model, which only includes the Lagrangian up to the cubic order in terms of the vector field self-interactions in the generalized Proca theory. We examine the cosmological parameters in the model by using the data sets of CMB and CMB+HST, respectively. In particular, the Hubble constant is found to be $H_0=71.80^{+1.07}{-0.72}$ ($72.48^{+0.72}{-0.60}$) $\rm kms^{-1}Mpc^{-1}$ at $68\%$~C.L. with CMB (CMB+HST), which would alleviate the Hubble constant tension. We also obtain that the reduced $\chi^2$ values in our model are close to unity when fitting with CMB and CMB+HST, illustrating that our model is a good candidate to describe the cosmological evolutions of the universe.

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C. Geng, Y. Hsu, J. Lu, et. al.
Thu, 15 Apr 2021

Comments: 18 pages, 5 figures, accepted by Physics of the Dark Universe