High pCO$_2$ reduces sensitivity to CO$_2$ perturbations on temperate, Earth-like planets throughout most of habitable zone [EPA]


The nearly logarithmic radiative impact of CO$_2$ means that planets near the outer edge of the liquid water habitable zone (HZ) require $\sim$10$^6$x more CO$_2$ to maintain temperatures conducive to standing liquid water on the planetary surface than their counterparts near the inner edge. This logarithmic radiative response also means that atmospheric CO$_2$ changes of a given mass will have smaller temperature effects on higher pCO$_2$ planets. Ocean pH is linked to atmospheric pCO$_2$ through seawater carbonate speciation and calcium carbonate dissolution/precipitation, and the response of pH to changes in pCO$_2$ also decreases at higher initial pCO$_2$. Here, we use idealized climate and ocean chemistry models to demonstrate that CO$_2$ perturbations large enough to cause catastrophic changes to surface temperature and ocean pH on low-pCO$_2$ planets in the innermost region of the HZ are likely to have much smaller effects on planets with higher pCO$_2$. Major bouts of extraterrestrial fossil fuel combustion or volcanic CO$_2$ outgassing on high-pCO$_2$ planets in the mid-to-outer HZ should have mild or negligible impacts on surface temperature and ocean pH. Owing to low pCO$_2$, Phanerozoic Earth’s surface environment may be unusually volatile compared to similar planets receiving lower instellation.

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R. Graham
Tue, 6 Apr 2021

Comments: Submitted November 30, 2020; Reviews received March 23rd, 2021; Resubmitted April 2, 2021