Effects of dark matter on the inspiral properties of the binary neutron star [HEAP]


We study the properties of the binary neutron star (BNS) systems in the inspiral phase. To calculate the equation of state (EOS) of the neutron star (NS), we take the relativistic mean-field (RMF) model. The RMF model, namely NL3 (stiff) and two extended RMF model IOPB-I (less stiff) and G3 (soft) are taken to explore the properties of the NS. We assume that the dark matter (DM) particles are accreted inside the NS due to its enormous gravitational field. Different macroscopic properties of the NS such as mass $M$, radius $R$, tidal deformability $\lambda$ and dimensionless tidal deformability $\Lambda$ are calculated at different DM fractions. With the addition of DM inside the NS, the value of the quantities like $M$, $R$, $\lambda$ and $\Lambda$ decreases. To explore the BNS properties in the inspiral phase, the post-Newtonian (PN) formalism is considered because it is suitable up to the last orbits in the inspiral phase. We calculated the strain amplitude of the polarization waveforms $h_+$ and $h_\times$, (2,2) mode waveform $h_{22}$, orbital phase $\Phi$, frequency of the gravitational wave $f$ and PN parameter $x$ with DM as an extra candidate inside the NS. We find that the BNS with soft EOS sustains more time in their inspiral phase as compare to stiff EOS. In the case of DM admixed NS, the BNS with high DM fractions survives more time in the inspiral phase than lesser fraction of DM. The magnitude of $f$, $\Phi$ and $x$ are almost the same for all the assumed parameter sets, but their inspiral time in the last orbit is different. We find a significant change in the BNS systems properties in the inspiral phase with DM inside the NS.

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H. Das, A. Kumar and S. Patra
Tue, 6 Apr 2021

Comments: 10 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, comments welcome