On duality of color and kinematics in (A)dS momentum space [CL]


We explore color-kinematic duality for tree-level AdS/CFT correlators in momentum space. We start by studying the bi-adjoint scalar in AdS at tree-level as an illustrative example. We follow this by investigating two forms of color-kinematic duality in Yang-Mills theory, the first for the integrated correlator in AdS$4$ and the second for the integrand in general AdS${d+1}$. For the integrated correlator, we find color-kinematics does not yield additional relations among $n$-point, color-ordered correlators. To study color-kinematics for the AdS${d+1}$ Yang-Mills integrand, we use a spectral representation of the bulk-to-bulk propagator so that AdS diagrams are similar in structure to their flat space counterparts. Finally, we study color KLT relations for the integrated correlator and double-copy relations for the AdS integrand. We find that double-copy in AdS naturally relates the bi-adjoint theory in AdS${d+3}$ to Yang-Mills in AdS${d+1}$. We also find a double-copy relation at three-points between Yang-Mills in AdS${d+1}$ and gravity in AdS$_{d-1}$ and comment on the higher-point generalization. By analytic continuation, these results on AdS/CFT correlators can be translated into statements about the wave function of the universe in de Sitter.

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S. Albayrak, S. Kharel and D. Meltzer
Wed, 31 Mar 2021

Comments: 14 pages, 4 figures, v2: Added references and footnote for double-copy