Cosmic Birefringence Triggered by Dark Matter Domination [CL]

Cosmic birefringence is predicted if an axion-like particle (ALP) moves after the recombination. We show that this naturally happens if the ALP is coupled to the dark matter density because it then acquires a large effective mass after the matter-radiation equality. Our scenario applies to a broad range of the ALP mass $m_\phi \lesssim 10^{-28}$ eV, even smaller than the present Hubble constant. We give a simple model to realize this scenario, where dark matter is made of hidden monopoles, which give the ALP such a large effective mass through the Witten effect. The mechanism works if the ALP decay constant is of order the GUT scale without a fine-tuning of the initial misalignment angle. For smaller decay constant, the hidden monopole can be a fraction of dark matter. We also study the implications for the QCD axion, and show that the domain wall problem can be solved by the effective mass.

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S. Nakagawa, F. Takahashi and M. Yamada
Tue, 16 Mar 21

Comments: 6 pages, 2 figures