Double common envelope jets supernovae (CEJSNe) by triple-star systems [HEAP]

I propose a new type of common envelope jets supernova (CEJSN) events where instead of a single neutron star (NS; or a black hole; BH) a tight binary system of a NS and a main sequence star enters a common envelope evolution (CEE) with a red supergiant. The NS and the main sequence star of the tight binary system merge inside the red supergiant envelope and enter a CEE of their own. The NS accretes some mass through an accretion disk and launches jets that explodes the main sequence star. I estimate that the two jets that the NS launches at this phase carry an energy of ~10^{52} erg, about the same order of magnitude as the energy that the jets will carry when the NS or its BH remnant will enter the core in a later phase. For that, I term the entire event a double CEJSN. The outcome of the double CEJSN is a very long, months to years, and very energetic event, a total energy of ~10^{52} – 10^{53} erg, that will be observationally classified as a peculiar super-energetic event. I crudely estimate that new transient surveys should detect about one CEJSN event from a triple star system per year. I end by listing some other types of CEJSN events in triple star systems.

Read this paper on arXiv…

N. Soker
Fri, 5 Mar 21

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