Challenging the Stability of Light Millicharged Dark Matter [CL]

We investigate the cosmological stability of light bosonic dark matter carrying a tiny electric charge. In the wave-like regime of high occupation numbers, annihilation into gauge bosons can be drastically enhanced by parametric resonance. The millicharged particle can either be minimally coupled to photons or its electromagnetic interaction can be mediated via kinetic mixing with a massless hidden photon. In the case of a direct coupling current observational constraints on the millicharge are stronger than those arising from parametric resonance. For the (theoretically preferred) case of kinetic mixing large regions of parameter space are affected by the parametric resonance leading at least to a fragmentation of the dark matter field if not its outright destruction.

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J. Jaeckel and S. Schenk
Thu, 18 Feb 21

Comments: 14 pages, 3 figures