In order to pinpoint the place of the (U)LIRGs in the local Universe we examine the properties of a sample of 67 such systems and compare them with those of 268 ETGs and 542 LTGs from the DustPedia database. We make use of multi-wavelength photometric data and the CIGALE SED fitting code to extract their physical parameters. The median SEDs as well as the values of the derived parameters were compared to those of the local ETGs and LTGs. In addition to that, (U)LIRGs were divided into seven classes, according to the merging stage of each system, and variations in the derived parameters were investigated. (U)LIRGs occupy the `high-end’ on the dust and stellar mass, and SFR in the local Universe with median values of 5.2$\times10^7~M_{\odot}$, 6.3$\times10^{10}~M_{\odot}$ and 52$~M_{\odot}$yr$^{-1}$, respectively. The PDR-dust emission in (U)LIRGs is 11.7% of the total dust luminosity, significantly higher than ETGs (1.6%) and the LTGs (5.2%). The median value of the dust temperature in (U)LIRGs is 32 K, which is higher compared to both the ETGs (28 K) and the LTGs (22 K). Small differences, in the derived parameters, are seen for the seven merging classes of our sample of (U)LIRGs with the most evident one being on the star-formation rate, where in systems in late merging stages the median SFR reaches up to 99 M${\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$ compared to 26 M${\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$ for the isolated ones. In contrast to the local normal galaxies where old stars dominate the stellar emission, the young stars in (U)LIRGs contribute with 64% of their luminosity to the total stellar luminosity. The fraction of the dust-absorbed stellar luminosity is extremely high in (U)LIRGs (78%) compared to 7% and 25% in ETGs and ETGs, respectively. The fraction of the stellar luminosity used to heat up the dust grains is very high in (U)LIRGs, while 74% of the dust emission comes from the young stars.
E. Paspaliaris, E. Xilouris, A. Nersesian, et. al.
Tue, 9 Feb 21
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