Relation Between Quiescence and Outbursting Properties of GX 339-4 [HEAP]

Galactic black hole candidate (BHC) GX~339-4 underwent several outbursting phases in the past two and a half decades at irregular intervals of $2-3$ years. Nature of these outbursts in terms of the duration, number of peaks, maximum peak intensity, etc. varies. We present a possible physical reason behind the variation of outbursts. From a physical point of view, if the supply of matter from the companion is roughly constant, the total energy release in an outburst is expected to be proportional to the quiescence period prior to the outburst when the matter is accumulated. We use archival data of RXTE/ASM from January 1996 to June 2011, and MAXI/GSC from August 2009 to July 2020 data. Initial five outbursts of GX~339-4 between 1997 and 2011 were observed by ASM and showed a good linear relation between the accumulation period and the amount of energy released in each outburst, but the outbursts after 2013 behaved quite differently. The 2013, $2017-18$, and $2018-19$ outbursts were of short duration, and incomplete or `failed’ in nature. We suggest that the matter accumulated during the quiescence periods prior to these outbursts were not cleared through accretion due to lack of viscosity. The leftover matter was cleared in the immediate next outbursts. Our study thus sheds light on long term accretion dynamics in outbursting sources.

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R. Bhowmick, D. Debnath, K. Chatterjee, et. al.
Thu, 4 Feb 21

Comments: 13 Pages, 6 Figues, 2 Tables (Accepted for Publication in ApJ)