Using a multi-messenger and multi-wavelength observational strategy to probe the nature of dark energy through direct measurements of cosmic expansion history [CEA]

In the forthcoming decades, the redshift drift observations in optical and radio bands will provide accurate measurements on $H(z)$ covering the redshift ranges of $2<z<5$ and $0<z<1$. In addition, gravitational wave (GW) standard siren observations could make measurements on the dipole anisotropy of luminosity distance, which will also provide the $H(z)$ measurements in the redshift range of $0<z<3$. In this work, we propose a multi-messenger and multi-wavelength observational strategy to measure $H(z)$ based on the three next-generation projects, E-ELT, SKA, and DECIGO, and we wish to see whether the future $H(z)$ measurements could provide tight constraints on dark-energy parameters. It is found that E-ELT, SKA1, and DECIGO are highly complementary in constraining dark energy models using the $H(z)$ data. We find that E-ELT, SKA1, and DECIGO can tightly constrain $\Omega_m$, $w$ (or $w_0$), and $H_0$, respectively, and thus the combination of them could effectively break the cosmological parameter degeneracies. The joint E-ELT+SKA1+DECIGO data give $\sigma(w)\approx 0.02$ in the $w$CDM model and $\sigma(w_0)\approx 0.03$ in the CPL model, which are better than the results of {\it Planck} 2018 TT,TE,EE+lowE+lensing+SNe+BAO. But even the joint data cannot well constrain $w_a$ in the CPL model.

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J. Qi, S. Jin, X. Fan, et. al.
Wed, 3 Feb 21

Comments: 6 pages, 3 figures