The dynamics of the globular cluster NGC3201 out to the Jacobi radius [GA]

As part of a chemo-dynamical survey of five nearby globular clusters with 2dF/AAOmega on the AAT, we have obtained kinematic information for the globular cluster NGC3201. Our new observations confirm the presence of a significant velocity gradient across the cluster which can almost entirely be explained by the high proper motion of the cluster. After subtracting the contribution of this perspective rotation, we found a remaining rotation signal with an amplitude of $\sim1\ km/s$ around a different axis to what we expect from the tidal tails and the potential escapers, suggesting that this rotation is internal and can be a remnant of its formation process. At the outer part, we found a rotational signal that is likely a result from potential escapers. The proper motion dispersion at large radii reported by Bianchini et al. has previously been attributed to dark matter. Here we show that the LOS dispersion between 0.5-1 Jacobi radius is lower, yet above the predictions from an N-body model of NGC3201 that we ran for this study. Based on the simulation, we find that potential escapers cannot fully explain the observed velocity dispersion. We also estimate the effect on the velocity dispersion of different amounts of stellar-mass black holes and unbound stars from the tidal tails with varying escape rates and find that these effects cannot explain the difference between the LOS dispersion and the N-body model. Given the recent discovery of tidal tail stars at large distances from the cluster, a dark matter halo is an unlikely explanation. We show that the effect of binary stars, which is not included in the N-body model, is important and can explain part of the difference in dispersion. We speculate that the remaining difference must be the result of effects not included in the N-body model, such as initial cluster rotation, velocity anisotropy and Galactic substructure.

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Z. Wan, W. Oliver, H. Baumgardt, et. al.
Wed, 3 Feb 21

Comments: 14 pages, 13 figures, accepted by MNRAS