GRAND is a newly proposed series of radio arrays with a combined area of 200,000 square km, to be deployed in mountainous areas. Its primary goal is to measure cosmic ultra-high-energy tau-neutrinos (E>1 EeV), through the interaction of these neutrinos in rock and the decay of the tau-lepton in the atmosphere. This decay creates an air shower, whose properties can be inferred from the radio signal it creates. The huge area of GRAND makes it the most sensitive instrument proposed to date, ensured to measure neutrinos in all reasonable models of cosmic ray production and propagation. At the same time, GRAND will be a very versatile observatory with enormous exposure to ultra-high-energy cosmic rays and photons. This talk covers the scientific motivation, as well as the staged approach required in the R\&D stages to get to a final design that will make the construction, deployment and operation of this vast detector affordable.
S. Jong
Fri, 11 Dec 20
Comments: Submitted to PoS Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on High Energy physics – ICHEP2020 July 28 – August 6, 2020 Prague, Czech Republic (virtual meeting)
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