We present a detailed comparison of the newly developed particle-based Kinetic Field Theory framework for cosmic large-scale structure formation with the established formalism of Eulerian Standard Perturbation Theory. We highlight the qualitative differences of both approaches by a comparative analysis of the respective equations of motion and implementation of initial conditions. A natural starting point for a first quantitative comparison is given by the non-interacting regime of free-streaming kinematics. Our results suggest that Kinetic Field Theory contains a complete resummation of Standard Perturbation Theory in this regime. We further show that the exact free-streaming solution of Kinetic Field Theory can not be recovered in any finite order of Standard Perturbation Theory. Kinetic Field Theory should therefore provide a better starting point for perturbative treatments of non-linear structure formation.
E. Kozlikin, R. Lilow, F. Fabis, et. al.
Fri, 11 Dec 20
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