Some detection tests for low complexity data models and unknown background distribution [IMA]

We consider several detection situations where, under the alternative hypothesis, the signal admits a low complexity model and, under both the null and the alternative hypotheses, the distribution of the background noise is {unknown}. We present several detection strategies for such cases, whose design relies on exogenous or on endogenous data. These testing procedures have been inspired by and are applied to two specific problems in Astrophysics, namely the detection of exoplanets from radial velocity curves and of distant galaxies in hyperspectral datacubes.

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D. Mary, S. Bourguignon, E. Roquain, et. al.
Tue, 8 Dec 20

Comments: in Proceedings of iTWIST’20, Paper-ID: 34, Nantes, France, December, 2-4, 2020