Quartic hilltop inflation revisited [CEA]


We implement a procedure by which the parameters present in the potential of Quartic Hilltop Inflation (QHI) are eliminated in favor of the scalar spectral index $n_s$ and the tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$. By doing this it is posible to obtain in a straightforward and simple way the equations of a previous analysis where an analytical treatment of QHI is given. This procedure also allows us a more precise discussion of general properties of the model. Also, using a constraint from the reheating epoch it is possible to find bounds for the parameters of the model as well as for quantities of interest such as the running of the scalar index, the reheating temperature and the inflationary scale. Since the bounds found come from expressions given exclusively in terms of $n_s$ and $r$ they will continue to narrow as the measurements of the observables $n_s$ and $r$ become more sensitive.

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G. German
Thu, 26 Nov 20

Comments: 14 pages, 5 figures