Bounds on Neutron- Mirror Neutron Mixing from Pulsar Timings and Gravitational Wave Detections [CL]

The mass loss in putative neutron star to mixed neutron – mirror neutron star transition implies a significant change of orbital period. The precise constancy of the latter can restrict scenarios recently suggested where neutron to mirror neutron mixing occurring in neutron stars, transforms them into mixed stars helping explain the narrow mass distribution observed for pulsars in binary systems. The observation of a very old millisecond pulsar with a mass of 2 solar masses is an additional strong constraint on the above transition.We also note that the observed gravitational waves signals from neutron-neutron stars merger constrain the neutron to mirror neutron transitions inside neutron stars. These considerations exclude a large region in the $\epsilon’$, $\delta m’$ plane of the neutron-mirror neutron mixing and mass

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I. Goldman, R. Mohapatra and S. Nussinov
Thu, 26 Nov 20

Comments: 18 pages; more examples of binary pulsars included; main conclusions unchanged