Equilibrium sequences of differentially rotating stars with post-merger-like rotational profiles [CL]


We present equilibrium sequences of rotating relativistic stars, constructed with a new rotation law that was proposed by Uryu et al. (2017). We choose rotational parameters motivated by simulations of binary neutron star merger remnants, but otherwise adopt a cold, relativistic N=1 polytropic EOS, in order to perform a detailed comparison to published equilibrium sequences that used the Komatsu, Eriguchi and Hachisu (1989) rotation law. We find a small influence of the choice of rotation law on the mass of the equilibrium models and a somewhat larger influence on their radius. The versatility of the new rotation law allows us to construct models that have a similar rotational profile and axis ratio as observed for merger remnants, while at the same time being quasi-spherical. While our models are highly accurate solutions of the fully general relativistic structure equations, we demonstrate that for models relevant to merger remnants the IWM-CFC approximation still maintains an acceptable accuracy.

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P. Iosif and N. Stergioulas
Tue, 24 Nov 2020

Comments: 14 pages, 10 figures, VIRGO preprint: VIR-1007A-20