A look at the Hubble speed from first principles [CEA]


We introduce a novel way of measuring $H_0$ from a combination of independent geometrical datasets, namely Supernovae, Baryon Acoustic Oscillations and Cosmic Chronometers, without the need of calibration nor of the choice of a cosmological model. Our method builds on the \emph{distance duality relation} which sets the ratio of luminosity and angular diameter distances to a fixed scaling with redshift, for any metric theory of gravity with standard photon propagation. In our analysis of the data we employ Gaussian Process algorithms to obtain constraints that are independent from the underlying cosmological model. We find $H_0=69.5\pm1.7$ Km/s/Mpc, showing that it is possible to constrain $H_0$ with an accuracy of $2\%$ with minimal assumptions. While competitive with current astrophysical and cosmological constraints, our result is not precise enough to solve the Hubble tension in a definitive way. However, we uncover some interesting features that hint at a twofold solution of the tension.

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F. Renzi and A. Silvestri
Mon, 23 Nov 20

Comments: 7 pages, 5 figures. Any comments are mostly welcome