The Fourth Catalog of Active Galactic Nuclei Detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope — Data Release 2 [HEAP]

An incremental version (4LAC-DR2) of the fourth catalog of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) detected by the Fermi-LAT is presented. This version is associated with the second release of the 4FGL general catalog (based on 10 years of data), where the spectral parameters, spectral energy distributions, yearly light curves, and associations have been updated for all sources. The new reported AGNs include two radio galaxies and 283 blazars. We briefly describe the properties of the new sample and outline changes affecting the previously published sample. Note: Users of this incremental release are requested to cite the original 4LAC paper (Ajello M. et al., 2020, ApJ, 892, 105).

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B. Lott, D. Gasparrini and S. Ciprini
Mon, 19 Oct 20

Comments: Users of this incremental release are requested to cite the original 4LAC paper (Ajello M. et al., 2020, ApJ, 892, 105). Fits tables are available at this https URL and this https URL