Emergent dark energy from unparticles [CL]


A limiting temperature of a species can cause the Universe to asymptote to it yielding a deSitter (dS) phase due to macroscopic emergent behavior. The limiting temperature is generic for theories slightly shifted from their conformal point. We demonstrate such behavior in the example of unparticles/Banks-Zaks theory. The unparticles behave like radiation at high energies reducing the Hubble tension, and a cosmological constant (CC) at low energies yielding a model that follows closely {\Lambda}CDM model but due to collective phenomenon. It is technically natural and avoids the no-dS conjecture. The model is free of the coincidence and initial conditions problems, of scalar fields and of modified gravity.

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M. Artymowski, I. Ben-Dayan and U. Kumar
Fri, 9 Oct 20

Comments: 4 figures, 6 pages