Multi-plane lensing in wave optics [CEA]

Wave effects in lensing form a rich field on the intersection of classical caustic singularities and quantum interference, yet are notoriously difficult to model. I present a new method to define and efficiently evaluate multi-plane lensing of coherent electromagnetic waves by plasmas and gravitational lenses in polynomial time. The large number of recently observed pulsars and fast radio bursts in radio astronomy suggest that wave effects will likely be observed in the near future. The interference fringes are sensitive to physical parameters which cannot be inferred from geometric optics. In particular, for multi-plane lensing, the pattern depends on the redshifts of the lens planes. The study of these effects will allow the use of radio sources to probe our universe in novel ways.

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J. Feldbrugge
Thu, 8 Oct 20

Comments: 6 pages, 8 figures