Sigma-Eight at the Percent Level: The EFT Likelihood in Real Space [CEA]

The effective field theory likelihood for the density field of biased tracers allows for cosmology inference from the clustering of galaxies that consistently uses all available information at a given order in perturbation theory. This paper presents results and implementation details on the real-space (as opposed to Fourier-space) formulation of the likelihood, which allows for the incorporation of survey window functions. The implementation further uses a Lagrangian forward model for biased tracers which automatically accounts for all relevant contributions up to any desired order. Unbiased inference of $\sigma_8$ is demonstrated at the 2% level for cutoff values $\Lambda \leq 0.14h\,{\rm Mpc}^{-1}$ for halo samples over a range of masses and redshifts. The inferred value shows the expected convergence to the ground truth in the low-cutoff limit. Apart from the possibility of including observational effects, this represents further substantial improvement over previous results based on the EFT likelihood.

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F. Schmidt
Wed, 30 Sep 2020

Comments: 31 pages, 10 figures; results summarized in Fig. 5; comments welcome