Mineralogy, chemistry and composition of organic compounds in the fresh carbonaceous chondrite Mukundpura: CM1 or CM2? [EPA]


We present here several laboratory analyses performed on the freshly fallen Mukundpura CM chondrite. Results of infrared transmission spectroscopy, thermogravimetry analysis and reflectance spectroscopy show that Mukundpura is mainly composed of phyllosilicates. The rare earth trace elements composition and ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry of the soluble organic matter (SOM) give results consistent with CM chondrites. Finally, Raman spectroscopy shows no signs of thermal alteration of the meteorite. All the results agree that Mukundpura has been strongly altered by water on its parent body. Comparison of the results obtained on the meteorite with those of other chondrites of known petrologic types lead to the conclusion that Mukundpura is similar to CM1 chondrites, which differs from its original classification as a CM2.

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S. Potin, P. P.Beck, L. Bonal, et. al.
Wed, 30 Sep 2020

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