Multidimensional RFI Framework for Characterising Radio Astronomy Observatories [IMA]

Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) has historically plagued radio astronomy, worsening with the rapid spread of electronics and increasing telescope sensitivity. We present a multi-dimensional probabilistic framework for characterising the RFI environment around a radio astronomy site that uses automatically flagged data from the array itself. We illustrate the framework using about 1500 hours of commissioning data from the MeerKAT radio telescope; producing a 6-dimensional array that yields both average RFI occupancy as well as confidence intervals around the mean as a function of key variables (frequency, direction, baseline, time). Our results provide the first detailed view of the MeerKAT RFI environment at high sensitivity as a function of direction, frequency, time of day and baseline. They allow us to track the historical evolution of the RFI and to quantify fluctuations which can be used for alerting on new RFI. As expected we find the major RFI contributors for MeerKAT site are from Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites, flight Distance Measurement Equipment (DME) and the Global System for Mobile (GSM) Communications. Beyond characterising RFI environments our approach allows observers access to the prior probability of RFI in any combination of tracked variables, allowing for more efficient observation planning and data excision.

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I. Sihlangu, N. Oozeer and B. Bassett
Fri, 21 Aug 20

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