Dark matter annihilation through nonminimal coupling to gravity as an explanation of the cosmic electron/positron excess [CL]


The possibility remains that the excess of electrons/positrons in cosmic rays originate from dark matter (DM). This work assumes that a leptonphilic SU(2) scalar doublet exists in nature as a mediator connecting DM with the visible sector. Since general relativity is not renormalizable at the quantum level, it is conjected that nonminimal coupling between the scalar DM, the leptonphilic SU(2) scalar doublet, and the Ricci scalar could exist. It was found that these couplings can cause efficient scalar DM annihilation after electroweak symmetry breaking. As an application of the proposed model, the cosmic electron/positron excess observed by the DArk Matter Particle Explorer has been successfully explained. It was also shown that the number of photons annihilated by scalar DM could meet the constraints from the isotropic diffuse $\gamma$-ray background observed by the Fermi Large Area Telescope.

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S. Xu-Dong and D. Ben-Zhong
Mon, 10 Aug 20

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