Hard diffuse X-ray emission around the PSR\,J2032+4127: A pulsar wind nebula in the Cygnus\,OB2 association [HEAP]


The Cygnus\,OB2 region, $\sim 3.5-5~\text{Myr}$ old, contains one of the most significant populations of massive stars of the Milky Way. Such stars substantially contribute to producing large scale soft ($<2~\text{keV}$) diffuse X-ray emission. We also detected hard ($>3~\text{keV}$) diffuse X-ray emission in the direction of the pulsar PSR\,J2032+4127. The torus-shaped emission spans a $\approx 3’\times 2’$ jet-like structure. It is spatially coincident with the Fermi $\gamma$-ray source 4FGL\,J2032.3+4127. We suggest that the hard diffuse X-ray emission is the pulsar wind nebula bearing the pulsar PSR\,J2032+4127, a consequence of a past core-collapse SN explosion in the region.

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A. J.F., D. J.J., F. A., et. al.
Tue, 30 Jun 20

Comments: 3 pages, 2 figures. Proceeding BAAA