Model-Independent Perspectives on Coupled Dark Energy and the Swampland [CEA]

We present a general model-independent approach to study the coupled dark energy and the string Swampland criteria. We show how the dark sector interaction is degenerated with the equation of state of dark energy in the context of the expansion of the Universe. With priors for either of them, the dynamics of dark energy and the dark sector interactions can be reconstructed together with the bounds of the Swampland criteria. Combining cosmic chronometers, baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO), and Type Ia supernovae our results suggest a mild $1 \sigma$ significance of dark sector interactions at low redshift for the coupled quintessence. The Lyman-$\alpha$ BAO at $z=2.34$ leads a $2 \sigma$ signal of non-zero interactions at high redshift. The implications for coupled quintessence are discussed.

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T. Yang
Fri, 26 Jun 20

Comments: 7 pages, 2 figures. Comments welcome