A possible polar origin for the FRB associated with a Galactic magnetar [HEAP]


Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) are millisecond-long radio pulses of extragalactic origin with peak luminosities far exceeding any Milky Way sources. The prevalent invocation for the FRB origin involves magnetars: young, magnetically powered neutron stars with the strongest magnetic fields in the Universe. A magnetar-defining signature is the emission of bright, hard X-ray bursts of sub-second duration. These occur in isolation or during a burst storm, when several hundred are observed within minutes to hours. On April 27th 2020, the Galactic magnetar SGR J1935+2154 entered an active period, emitting hundreds of X-ray bursts in a few hours. Remarkably, only one of these temporally coincided with an FRB-like radio burst. Here we report on the spectral and temporal analyses of 24 X-ray bursts emitted 13 hours prior to the FRB and seen simultaneously with NASA NICER and Fermi/GBM missions in their combined energy range. We demonstrate that the FRB-associated X-ray burst is very similar temporally, albeit strikingly different spectrally, from the 24 NICER/GBM bursts. If the FRB-associated burst were drawn from this magnetar burst population, its occurrence rate would be at most around 1 in 7000. This rarity combined with the unusual X-ray burst spectrum is perhaps indicative of an uncommon locale for the origin of the FRB-associated burst. We suggest that this unique event originated in quasi-polar open or closed magnetic field lines extending to high altitudes where radio emission can be generated, possibly from a collimated plasma flow.

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G. Younes, M. Baring, C. Kouveliotou, et. al.
Tue, 23 Jun 20

Comments: Submitted to Nature