Lepto-Axiogenesis [CL]


We propose a baryogenenesis mechanism that uses a rotating condensate of a Peccei-Quinn (PQ) symmetry breaking field and the dimension-five operator that gives Majorana neutrino masses. The rotation induces charge asymmetries for the Higgs boson and for lepton chirality through sphaleron processes and Yukawa interactions. The dimension-five interaction transfers these asymmetries to the lepton asymmetry, which in turn is transferred into the baryon asymmetry through the electroweak sphaleron process. QCD axion dark matter can be simultaneously produced by dynamics of the same PQ field via kinetic misalignment or parametric resonance, favoring an axion decay constant $f_a \lesssim 10^{10}$ GeV, or by conventional misalignment and contributions from strings and domain walls with $f_a \sim 10^{11}$ GeV. The size of the baryon asymmetry is tied to the mass of the PQ field. In simple supersymmetric theories, it is independent of UV parameters and predicts the supersymmtry breaking mass scale to be $\mathcal{O}(10-10^4)$ TeV, depending on the masses of the neutrinos and whether the condensate is thermalized during a radiation or matter dominated era. We also construct a theory where TeV scale supersymmetry is possible. Parametric resonance may give warm axions, and the radial component of the PQ field may give signals in rare kaon decays from mixing with the Higgs and in dark radiation.

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R. Co, N. Fernandez, A. Ghalsasi, et. al.
Thu, 11 Jun 20

Comments: 71 pages, 6 Figures