Studying the parameters of the extended $σ$-$ω$ model for neutron star matter [HEAP]

In this work we study the parameters of the extended $\sigma$-$\omega$ model for neutron star matter by a Bayesian analysis on state-of-the-art multi-messenger astronomy observations, namely mass, radius and tidal deformabilities. We have considered three parameters of the model, the Landau mass $m_L$, the nuclear compressibility $K_0$, and the value of the symmetry energy $S_0$, all at saturation density $n_0$.
As a result, we are able to estimate the best values of the Landau mass of $m_L \approx 0.73$ GeV, whereas the values of $K_0$ and $S_0$ fall within already known empirical values. Furthermore, for neutron stars we find the most probable value of 13 km $<R_{1.4}<$ 13.5 km and the upper mass limit of $M_{max} \approx 2.2$ M$_{\odot}$.

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D. Alvarez-Castillo, A. Ayriyan, G. Barnaföldi, et. al.
Tue, 9 Jun 20

Comments: 14 pages, 15 figures, 2 tables