Detection and parameter estimation of binary neutron star merger remnants [HEAP]

Detection and parameter estimation of binary neutron star merger remnants can shed light on the physics of hot matter at supranuclear densities. Here we develop a fast, simple model that can generate gravitational waveforms, and show it can be used for both detection and parameter estimation of post-merger remnants. The model consists of three exponentially-damped sinusoids with a linear frequency-drift term. The median fitting factors between the model waveforms and numerical-relativity simulations exceed 0.90. We detect remnants at a post-merger signal-to-noise ratio of $\ge 7$ using a Bayes-factor detection statistic with a threshold of 3000. We can constrain the primary post-merger frequency to $\pm_{1.2}^{1.4}\%$ at post-merger signal-to-noise ratios of 15 with an increase in precision to $\pm_{0.2}^{0.3}\%$ for post-merger signal-to-noise ratios of 50. The tidal coupling constant can be constrained to $\pm^{9}_{12}\%$ at post-merger signal-to-noise ratios of 15, and $\pm 5\%$ at post-merger signal-to-noise ratios of 50 using a hierarchical inference model.

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P. Easter, S. Ghonge, P. Lasky, et. al.
Tue, 9 Jun 20

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