Reissner-Nordström-de Sitter black hole immersed in perfect fluid dark matter cannot be overcharged [CL]

On the contrary to the well-known result that the Reissner-Nordstr\”{o}m (RN) black hole could be overcharged under linear order particle accretion it is shown that the same black hole in perfect fluid dark matter with cosmological parameter cannot be overcharged. Taking into account that in a realistic scenario black holes can not be considered to be in vacuum we investigate the contribution of dark matter and cosmological parameters to overcharging process of charged black hole. We show that the black hole can be overcharged only when two fields induced by dark matter and cosmological parameter are completely balanced. Further we give a remarkable result that black hole cannot be overcharged beyond a certain threshold limit for which the effect arising from the cosmological parameter dominates over the effect due to the perfect fluid dark matter. Though even for linear accretion process, the black hole cannot always be overcharged and hence obeys the weak cosmic censorship conjecture (WCCC). This result would always be fulfilled for non-linear order accretion.

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S. Shaymatov, B. Ahmedov and M. Jamil
Wed, 3 Jun 20

Comments: 9 pages, no figure