Inflationary gravitational waves and exotic pre Big Bang Nucleosynthesis cosmology [CEA]

According to the most popular scenario, the early Universe should have experienced an accelerated expansion phase, called Cosmological Inflation, after which the standard Big Bang Cosmology would have taken place giving rise to the radiation-dominated epoch. However, the details of the inflationary scenario are far to be completely understood. Thus, in this paper we study if possible additional (exotic) cosmological phases could delay the beginning of the standard Big Bang history and alter some theoretical predictions related to the inflationary cosmological perturbations, like, for instance, the order of magnitude of the tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$.

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A. Marco, G. Pradisi, G. Gasperis, et. al.
Wed, 3 Jun 20

Comments: 6 pages, 2 figures, Proceeding article – 10th Young Researcher Meeting, June 2019,