Inference of the Local Interstellar Spectra of Cosmic Ray Nuclei Z<=28 with the GalProp-HelMod Framework [HEAP]

(Abridged) The direct precise measurements of spectra of cosmic rays (CR) species in the wide energy range form a basis for propagation models, for interpretation of gamma-ray and microwave observations, and for disentangling possible signatures of new phenomena. Composition and spectra of CR species are vital for studies of galactic nucleosynthesis and high-energy processes in variety of environments and on different scales. Since the beginning of its operation, AMS-02 has delivered outstanding quality measurements of the spectra of CR antiprotons, electrons, positrons, and nuclei: H-O, Ne, Mg, Si. However, the spectra of heavier nuclei are expected to be available only later in the mission, which is currently extended through the end of the International Space Station (ISS) in 2030. Meanwhile, a comparison of published AMS-02 results with data from earlier experiments, such as HEAO-3-C2, indicate that earlier data may be affected by significant undocumented systematic errors. This creates an awkward situation: the new data are still incomplete, while using the old data to make up for the lack of AMS-02 measurements could result in significant errors. In this paper we are using the existing AMS-02 data to test HEAO-3-C2 results. We show that a fraction of HEAO-3-C2 data match available AMS-02 measurements quite well and can be used together with Voyager 1 and ACE-CRIS data to make predictions for the local interstellar spectra (LIS) of nuclei that are not yet released by the AMS-02 collaboration. We are also updating our already published LIS to provide a complete set of LIS from H-Ni in the energy range from 1 MeV/nucleon to ~100-500 TeV/nucleon thus covering 8-9 orders of magnitude in energy. Our calculations employ the GalProp-HelMod framework that is proved to be a reliable tool in deriving the LIS of CR antiprotons, electrons, and nuclei from H to O.

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M. Boschini, S. Torre, M. Gervasi, et. al.
Wed, 3 Jun 20

Comments: 89 pages, 36 figures, 60 tables, submitted to ApJS