Impact of Global Data Assimilation System atmospheric models on astroparticle showers [IMA]

We present a methodology to simulate the impact of the Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS) atmospheric models in particle flux on detectors at the Earth’s surface. To validate our methodology, we built GDAS monthly profiles over Malarg\”ue between 2006 and 2011, comparing the maximum atmospheric depth, $X_{max}$, with those calculated with the Auger atmospheric option in CORSIKA. We found that difference does not exceed 2% for both $X_{max}$. The methodology was implemented, for the city of Bucaramanga Colombia, using ARTI –a full computational framework developed by the Latin American Giant Observatory Collaboration, to estimate the signals expected at their Water Cherenkov Detectors network–. In our simulations for the year 2018, we observed that the most significant differences in the total flux, between predefined atmospheric profiles and GDAS models, occur in November and April. There also is a clear anti-correlation between the particle flux and the monthly average temperature.

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J. Grisales-Casadiegos, C. Sarmiento-Cano and L. Núñez
Wed, 3 Jun 20

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