The radial acceleration relation and its emergent nature [CL]

We review some of our recent results about the Radial Acceleration Relation (RAR) and its interpretation as either a fundamental or an emergent law. The former interpretation is in agreement with a class of modified gravity theories that dismiss the need for dark matter in galaxies (MOND in particular). Our most recent analysis, which includes refinements on the priors and the Bayesian test for compatibility between the posteriors, confirms that the hypothesis of a fundamental RAR is rejected at more than 5$\sigma$ from the very same data that was used to infer the RAR.

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D. Rodrigues and V. Marra
Thu, 28 May 20

Comments: 2 pages, 1 figure. To appear in the Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 359, 2020. Galaxy evolution and feedback across different environments (Galfeed)