The present work deals with a dark energy model that has an oscillating scalar field potential along with a cosmological constant (CC). The oscillating part of the potential represents the contribution of a light axion field in the dark energy that has its origin in the String-Axiverse scenario. The model has been confronted with the latest cosmological observations. The results show that a sub-Planckian value of the axion field decay constant is consistent at 1$\sigma$ confidence level. The oscillating feature in the scalar field evolution and in the equation of state for the dark energy can be observed at 2$\sigma$ confidence interval. It is also observed that cluster number counts in this axion model are suppressed compared to the $\Lambda$CDM and this suppression is enhanced for the sub-Planckian values for the axion decay constant.
R. Ruchika, K. Dutta, A. Mukherjee, et. al.
Tue, 19 May 20
Comments: 18 pages, LateX style. Comments welcome
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