Minutes-delayed jets from a neutron star companion in core collapse supernovae [HEAP]


I study cases where a neutron star (NS; or a black hole) companion to a type Ib or type Ic (stripped-envelope) core collapse supernova (CCSN) accretes mass from the explosion ejecta and launches jets minutes to hours after explosion. The NS orbits at a pre-explosion radius of a=1-5Ro. I find that when the ejecta velocity drops to be <1000-1500km/s the ejecta gas that the NS accretes possesses sufficient specific angular momentum to form an accretion disk around the NS. The NS accretes a fraction of 3e-5 to 3e-4 of the ejecta mass through an accretion disk over a time period of 10min to few hours. If the jets carry about ten per cent of the accretion energy, then their total energy is a fraction of about 0.003-0.03 of the kinetic energy of the ejecta. The implications of these jets from a NS (or a black hole) companion to a CCSN are the shaping the inner ejecta to have a bipolar morphology, energising the light curve of the CCSN, and in some cases the possible enrichment of the inner ejecta with r-process elements.

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N. Soker
Mon, 18 May 20

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