Big Bang Nucleosynthesis constraints on sterile neutrino and lepton asymmetry of the Universe [CL]

We consider the cosmological effects of sterile neutrinos with the masses of $150- 450$ MeV. The decay of sterile neutrinos changes the thermal history of the Universe and affects the energy density of radiation at the recombination and the big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) results. We derive severe constraints on the parameters of sterile neutrinos from the primordial abundances of helium-4 and deuterium. We also find that in a particular model the constraints can be considerably relaxed by assuming a large lepton asymmetry in the active neutrinos. In this case, the consistent parameters result in $N_{\mathrm{eff}} \simeq 3.2- 3.4$ and can alleviate the Hubble tension.

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G. Gelmini, M. Kawasaki, A. Kusenko, et. al.
Fri, 15 May 20

Comments: 35 pages, 15 figures