The Search for MeV Electrons 2-45 AU from the Sun with the Alice Instrument Microchannel Plate Detector Aboard New Horizons [IMA]

The Alice UV spectrograph aboard NASA’s New Horizons mission is sensitive to MeV electrons that penetrate the instrument’s thin aluminum housing and interact with its microchannel plate detector. We have searched for penetrating electrons at heliocentric distance of 2-45 AU, finding no evidence of discrete events outside of the Jovian magnetosphere. However, we do find a gradual long-term increase in the Alice instrument’s global dark count rate at a rate of ~1.5% per year, which may be caused by a heightened gamma-ray background from aging of the spacecraft’s radioisotope thermoelectric generator fuel. If this hypothesis is correct, then the Alice instrument’s global dark count rate should flatten and then decrease over the next 5-10 years.

Read this paper on arXiv…

B. Keeney, M. Versteeg, J. Parker, et. al.
Thu, 7 May 20

Comments: 3 pages, 1 figure