Swift J004427.3-734801- a probable Be/white dwarf system in the Small Magellanic Cloud [HEAP]


Swift J004427.3-734801 is an X-ray source in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) that was first discovered as part of the Swift S-CUBED programme in January 2020. It was not detectedin any of the previous 3 years worth of observations. The accurate positional determination from the X-ray data have permitted an optical counterpart to be identified which has the characteristics of an O9Ve-B0Ve star. Over 17 years worth of optical monitoring by the OGLE project reveal periods of time in which quasi-periodic optical flares occur at intervals of ~21.5d. The X-ray data obtained from the S-CUBED project reveal a very soft spectrum, toosoft to be that from accretion on to a neutron star or black hole. It is suggested here that this isonly the second identified Be star-white dwarf binary in the SMC.

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M. Coe, J. Kennea, P. Evans, et. al.
Thu, 7 May 20

Comments: 5 Pages, 7 Figures. Submitted to MNRAS