Calcium-rich Transient SN 2019ehk in A Star-Forming Environment: Yet Another Candidate for An Ultra-Stripped Envelope Supernova [HEAP]

We present optical and near-infrared observations of SN~Ib~2019ehk. We show that it evolved to a Ca-rich transient according to its spectral properties and evolution in late phases. It, however, shows a few distinguishable properties from the canonical Ca-rich transients: a short-duration first peak in the light curve, high peak luminosity, and association with a star-forming environment. Indeed, some of these features are shared with iPTF14gqr and iPTF16hgs, which are candidates for a special class of core-collapse SNe (CCSNe): the so-called ultra-stripped envelope SNe, i.e., a relatively low-mass He (or C+O) star explosion in a binary as a precursor of double neutron star binaries. The estimated ejecta mass ($0.43 M_\odot$) and explosion energy ($1.7 \times 10^{50} $~erg) are consistent with this scenario. The analysis of the first peak suggests existence of dense circumstellar material in the vicinity of the progenitor, implying a CCSN origin. Based on these analyses, we suggest SN 2019ehk is another candidate for an ultra-stripped envelope SN. These ultra-stripped envelope SN candidates seem to form a subpopulation among Ca-rich transients, associated with young population. We propose that the key to distinguishing this population is the early first peak in their light curves.

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T. Nakaoka, K. Maeda, M. Yamanaka, et. al.
Thu, 7 May 20

Comments: submitted to ApJ on Mar 27, 2020