The role of the slope in the the multi-measure cosmological model [CL]

In this work, we report some results on the numerical exploration of the model of Guendelman-Nissimov-Pacheva. This model has been previously applied to cosmology, but there were open questions regarding its parameters. Here we demonstrate the existence of families of solutions on the slope of the effective potential which preserve the duration of the inflation and its power. For this solutions, one can see the previously reported phenomenon of the inflaton scalar field climbing up the slope, with the effect more pronounced when starting lower on the potential slope. Finally we compare the dynamical and the potential slow-roll parameters for the model and we find that the latter describe the numerically observed inflationary period better.

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D. Staicova
Wed, 29 Apr 20

Comments: 11 pages, 4 figures, Contribution to XIII-th International Workshop “Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics”, Varna (2019);