What Makes Ly$α$ Nebulae Glow? Mapping the Polarization of LABd05 [GA]


“Ly$\alpha$ nebulae” are giant ($\sim$100 kpc), glowing gas clouds in the distant universe. The origin of their extended Ly$\alpha$ emission remains a mystery. Some models posit that Ly$\alpha$ emission is produced when the cloud is photoionized by UV emission from embedded or nearby sources, while others suggest that the Ly$\alpha$ photons originate from an embedded galaxy or AGN and are then resonantly scattered by the cloud. At least in the latter scenario, the observed Ly$\alpha$ emission will be polarized. To test these possibilities, we are conducting imaging polarimetric observations of seven Ly$\alpha$ nebulae. Here we present our results for LABd05, a cloud at $z$ = 2.656 with an obscured, embedded AGN to the northeast of the peak of Ly$\alpha$ emission. We detect significant polarization. The highest polarization fractions $P$ are $\sim$10-20% at $\sim$20-40 kpc southeast of the Ly$\alpha$ peak, away from the AGN. The lowest $P$, including upper-limits, are $\sim$5% and lie between the Ly$\alpha$ peak and AGN. In other words, the polarization map is lopsided, with $P$ increasing from the Ly$\alpha$ peak to the southeast. The measured polarization angles $\theta$ are oriented northeast, roughly perpendicular to the $P$ gradient. This unique polarization pattern suggests that 1) the spatially-offset AGN is photoionizing nearby gas and 2) escaping Ly$\alpha$ photons are scattered by the nebula at larger radii and into our sightline, producing tangentially-oriented, radially-increasing polarization away from the photoionized region. Finally we conclude that the interplay between the gas density and ionization profiles produces the observed central peak in the Ly$\alpha$ emission. This also implies that the structure of LABd05 is more complex than assumed by current theoretical spherical or cylindrical models.

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E. Kim, Y. Yang, A. Zabludoff, et. al.
Wed, 1 Apr 20

Comments: 11 pages, 8 figures