New Expansion Rate Estimate of the Scorpius-Centaurus Association Based on T Tauri Stars from the Gaia DR2 Catalog [GA]

The kinematic properties of the Scorpius-Centaurus association were studied using spatial velocities of approximately 700 young T Tauri stars. Their proper motions and trigonometric parallaxes were selected by Zari et al. from the Gaia DR2 catalog, and radial velocities were taken from various sources. The linear expansion coefficients new estimate of the association $K=39\pm2$ km/s/kpc is obtained by considering the influence of the galactic spiral density wave with an amplitude of radial disturbances $f_R=5$ km/s and solar phase in the wave $-120^\circ$. The proper rotation of the association is shown to be small. The residual velocity ellipsoid of these stars has semimajor axes $\sigma_{1,2,3}=(7.72,1.87,1.74)\pm(0.56,0.37,0.22)$ km/s and is positioned at an angle $12\pm2^\circ$ to the galactic plane.

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V. Bobylev and A. Bajkova
Wed, 4 Mar 20

Comments: 14 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables