Dynamic Normalization for Compact Binary Coalescence Searches in Non-Stationary Noise [IMA]


The output of gravitational-wave interferometers, such as LIGO and Virgo, can be highly non-stationary. Broadband detector noise can affect the detector sensitivity on the order of tens of seconds. Gravitational-wave transient searches, such as those for colliding black holes, estimate this noise in order to identify gravitational-wave events. During times of non-stationarity we see a higher rate of false events being reported. To accurately separate signal from noise, it is imperative to incorporate the changing detector state into gravitational-wave searches. We develop a new statistic which estimates the variation of the interferometric detector noise. We use this statistic to re-rank candidate events identified during LIGO-Virgo’s second observing run by the PyCBC search pipeline. This results in a 7% improvement in the sensitivity volume for low mass binaries, particularly binary neutron stars mergers.

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S. Mozzon, L. Nuttall, A. Lundgren, et. al.
Mon, 24 Feb 20

Comments: 11 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravity