Potassium Isotopic Compositions of Enstatite Meteorites [EPA]


Enstatite chondrites and aubrites are meteorites that show the closest similarities to the Earth in many isotope systems that undergo mass-independent and mass-dependent isotope fractionations. Due to the analytical challenges to obtain high-precision K isotopic compositions in the past, potential differences in K isotopic compositions between enstatite meteorites and the Earth remained uncertain. We report the first high-precision K isotopic compositions of eight enstatite chondrites and four aubrites and find that there is a significant variation of K isotopic compositions among enstatite meteorites (from -2.34 permil to -0.18 permil). However, K isotopic compositions of nearly all enstatite meteorites scatter around the Bulk Silicate Earth (BSE) value. The average K isotopic composition of the eight enstatite chondrites (-0.47 +/- 0.57 permil) is indistinguishable from the BSE value (-0.48 +/- 0.03 permil), thus further corroborating the isotopic similarity between Earth’ building blocks and enstatite meteorite precursors. We found no correlation of K isotopic compositions with the chemical groups, petrological types, shock degrees, and terrestrial weathering conditions; however, the variation of K isotopes among enstatite meteorite can be attributed to the parent body processing. Our sample of the main group aubrite MIL 13004 is exceptional and has an extremely light K isotopic composition (delta 41K= -2.34 +/- 0.12 permil). We attribute this unique K isotopic feature to the presence of abundant djerfisherite inclusions in our sample because this K-bearing sulfide mineral is predicted to be enriched in 39K during equilibrium exchange with silicates.

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C. Zhao, K. Lodders, H. Bloom, et. al.
Fri, 21 Feb 20

Comments: 46 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, published in Meteoritics & Planetary Science